Privacy and cookies


Your personal data collected through this website  are used and processed respecting the principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency, limitation of purpose, accuracy, necessity and minimization of data and through operations of collection, recording, organization, consultation, utilization, storage, modification, extraction, interconnection, erasure and destruction, made by the use of also automatic means in order to guarantee security, integrity and confidentiality.

Your personal data are used for the purpose of exercising our the professional activities and to comply with obligations of law and regulation at the charge of  Studio Legale Pojaghi.

Within the processing your personal data may have to be disclosed, as the case may be, to:

a) assistants and employees of Studio Legale Pojaghi;

b) judicial and administrative authorities, individuals and other entities to which the right to access such data is however granted by provisions of law or regulation;

c) public or private entities to which the disclosure of data is necessary in order to fulfill accounting or administrative needs of Studio Legale Pojaghi as well as to comply with our obligations of fiscal and tax-related law and regulation.

Your personal data will be stored for a period of ten years, according to the obligations of law and regulation at the charge of Studio Legale Pojaghi.

You are entitled to the rights set forth by the applicable privacy regulation, among which specifically the right to know the existence of the processing of personal data, to obtain access thereto, to request erasure, transformation into anonymous form, blocking, rectification, update and integration, limitation of processing as well as to object, for lawful reasons, to their processing. You are also entitled to the right of portability of data and to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (Data Protection Authority). Such rights can be exercised by sending a written request to Studio Legale Pojaghi at the address hereunder.

Controller of the processing is Studio Legale Pojaghi, via Soave 6, 20135 Milan, Italy. Tel. (+39) 02 7607 98.11 fax (+39) 02 7601 3950 e-mail


Cookies are files containing identifiers (strings of letters and numbers) sent by a web server to a web browser and stored by the browser. Identifiers are then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server.

We use technical cookies on our website, in order to improve its usability, administer the website and personalize the website for each user.

We do not use third party cookies .

You can enable or disable cookies by modifying the settings in your browser. You can also delete cookies already stored on your computer. When blocking or deleting cookies, however, you might not be able to use all the features on our website.